Come Roll With Better off Bowling
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Build Company Culture, Network, and Have A Blast!
Join as a Corporate Team
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industry league?
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Setting up a corporate bowling team is a great way to build company culture and get coworkers interacting outside of work! With BOB’s emphasis on social, it doesn’t matter whether an employee is a triathlon winner or a couch potato, everyone can have fun.
Setup a Corp Team
Get More Season Info
Have a BOB Manager Email or Call You!
Corporate Team Benefits
Corp benefit happiness Happiness
Keep employees engaged in the company with after-work fun
Combine socializing and competition without any extra work
Attract future talent with great team photos and stories
Corp benefit team building Team Building
Work together to defeat a different team each week
Team up with opponents to win league-wide trivia
Everyone can play, regardless of skill level
Corp benefit retention Retention
Let employees recharge their batteries and prevent burnout
Studies show workplace recreation correlates with retention
More connected workplaces yield more productive employees
Corp benefit networking Networking
Meet other companies and contacts in your industry
Network and exchange knowledge in a casual atmosphere
Avoid the forced small-talk of typical networking events
Season Registration / Info
Status: Registration Open
Bob seasons 1
City season time icon When: Wednesday
City season schedule icon Starts: Wednesday, April 16
City season schedule icon Ends: Wednesday, May 28
City season price icon Cost: $69.00
View all seasons >>
What's Included?
Benefits weeks
6 Weeks of Bowling (1.5 hours each)
Benefits shirts
Free T-shirts!
Benefits cards
Awesome after-bowling games (Cards against humanity, etc)
Benefits organizations
League Organization
Benefits prizes
Fun Prizes
Benefits stats
Individual and Team Stat Tracking
Benefits photos
Team Photos
Benefits shoes
Free Shoe Rentals
Benefits more
And much more!
Team Name Generator
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Having trouble thinking of that epic bowling team name? Use BOB's Team Name Generator to come up with some fun suggestions! You can choose between classic names (e.g. Livin' on a Spare), funny team names, or even risque ones!
See who Wants to roll!
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Setting up a corporate team doesn’t have to be a pain! You can use BOB’s sample email and/or signup sheet to see who’s interested around the office without having to retype all the league info yourself! Click on the button to get the sample email, then just customize it any way you’d like (if at all)! With the sample signup sheet, you can just print it out and tape it to the front desk or common area and see who signs up! Piece of cake!
Corp email button icon Sample Email
Click to get a sample email you can send out to see who's interested!
Signup sheet button icon Signup Sheet
Click to get a signup sheet that you can print and put up around the office!
What do I need to do?
Corp marketing 1
Signing up a corporate team is surprisingly easy! Below are the few things you’ll need to do to make sure your team is all set and ready to roll! And you can always email [email protected] with any questions, we’ll get back to you within 24 hours, and usually much sooner!
Get Your Bowlers
First you need to figure out who wants to bowl! You can download a sample email to send out to the office to gauge interest, and/or printout a signup sheet (see above section). However, even if you don’t know exactly WHO is bowling, but that you do want to do a team, you can create a team with “OPEN SLOT” players that you can fill-in later when you know who will take that spot.
Pick a Team Name
Often fun but sometimes contentious, you embrace your collective creativity to come up with a fun bowling team name (puns are popular). If you want to get the juices flowing, you can check out the “Team Name Generator” in the above section that can help with name suggestions!
Decide If You Are Playing
As a Team Manager, you’re in charge of setting up the teams, but you also get to decide if you want to play or not! You can be part of the crew rolling, or you can just do the initial setup and payment and let the other rollers handle everything else.
You can pay for the bowling team(s) with any major credit card. As noted elsewhere, that includes everything aside from food and drink, so once you’ve paid and setup the teams, you’re good to go. If you have any questions about different forms of payment please contact [email protected]
Receive Corp Invoice
You’ll receive a corporate invoice via email listing all of your teams and the total payment so you can make sure there are no issues with reimbursement. We can also send any companies that need it a W-9 form.
Team Setup Options
Corp marketing 2
Here’s a basic overview of some of the options you’ll be able to choose when setting up one or more corporate teams. You can setup one or multiple teams, set up the team yourself or have a BOB manager help you out, and even choose to pay for everyone or have people pay for themselves (or somewhere in between).
Create for more teams
You can choose to create one team or many teams, plus, you get to decide which of those teams your on if you want to play at all. Plus, you can specify who’s on which team now, or put some placeholders in and figure that out a little later.
Have a BOB manager give you a call or send you an email
You’re welcome to setup the team yourself (it’s usually pretty simple), or you can have a BOB manager help you take care of that over the phone or via email! Plus, if you’d like to give BOB a call during business hours, you can reach a BOB manager on the corporate line at (415) 212-8674
Setup a Team but have employees pay for sales
You have the option to setup a team but allow employees to pay for themselves instead of paying for everyone on the company card. When you’re setting up a corporate team you’ll see the option to do this.
Pay a portion
Sometimes a company will want to cover half of an employee’s registration fee. That’s no problem either. You can setup a team and then pay a portion for as many spots as you like, the employees who sign up will pay the rest.
Join img
Join icon Hang out with friends & meet new ones
Join icon1 Hundreds of fun young professionals
Join icon2 Includes bowling, shoes, awards, & stats
Join icon3 After-bowling bar, drink specials, games